It is very hot in Thailand.
Now That he has become a manager, he thinks he's really somebody.
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.
This acid acts on zinc.
Effective from 1st April, the interest rate will be increased by 1%.
An increase of crime is one of the by-products of unemployment.
His mother was a beautiful girl.
If i had much money, I would have bought that bag.
Smoking is not allowed in the office.
This sweater can't be washed in the machine.
He left his wife, Slamming the door behind him.
Neither was a slight sound heard nor a person seen.
Farmers have been said to be the backbone of the country for a long time.
Stay away from this man. He's dirty old man who likes a pretty girl like you.
You can't fool me. I wasn't born yesterday, you know?
If he work shoulder to shoulder, we can accomplish any kind of work.
He likes to beat around the bush when he wants to borrow my money.
He called on his uncle yesterday.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
In college, I studied everything from A-Z.